Monday, January 30, 2012

To A Colorful Year...

First, let me apologize for my absence from writing. The last two and a half weeks have been a whirlwind. I have been working like a dog and as busy as a bee. I’ve had work commitments and social engagements. I have eaten a lot of my meals standing up in my kitchen and I have been at the gym at 5 am just to get a work out in. But don’t worry- I’m back.

With this said, I ended my hectic January with a few relaxing days off to celebrate my birthday. This past weekend I celebrated my 24th birthday. Anyone who knows me well enough knows that my birthday is my favorite day of the year. As an only child, my birthday was treated as the equivalent of the Macy’s Day Parade and the Superbowl combined. Now as an adult, I celebrate the same way.

This past weekend was a special birthday weekend. In fact, it was one of the best. First, I got to celebrate my birthday with my sorority sisters and wonderful friends. I feel incredibly lucky that I have them in the Windy City. It was also very special because I got to play hostess to a friend of mine from college who currently resides in Dallas. My guest had never been to Chicago before and I was so excited to show him the town! We did everything from eat hot dogs to get martinis on the 96th floor of the Hancock Building to take pictures at the Bean and Wrigley Field.

Late yesterday afternoon, my guest and I ended his Chicago experience in the most perfect way possible with a stroll through Lincoln Park complete with hot chocolate. During our walk, we talked about my new year ahead. We talked a lot about my goals and hopes for my 24th year. This year, I want to add more color to my wardrobe and take more pictures. But truly, my only hope is to continue to lead what I would describe as a “rich and full life.” In the last year of my life, I have come so far. I have become settled in a brand new city and I decorated my first “big girl” apartment. I received my Masters degree and got a wonderful job. I completed the Chicago triathlon and did tons of volunteer work.  I made new friends but kept the old. It’s been great.

Ultimately, I pray that when I look back on my year at this time next year, 24 will have given 25 a run for it’s money.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

"Man in the Mirror"

If you haven’t looked at your calendar lately, this past weekend was Martin Luther King Jr. weekend. I’m a big fan of MLK Day for a couple of reasons. First, I love a good three-day weekend. But really, who doesn’t? Second, this particular day signifies the half way mark until my birthday on the 28th. Finally, I love MLK Day because as an adult, I can now appreciate and understand the enormous impact that Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. had on this country. With this said, I made it my own personal goal to participate in a service project or community program to honor the legacy of MLK this weekend.

What did I do? I went to the library! Sunday, I had the opportunity to attend the dedication of the library at St. Colubanus, which is a historically African-American Catholic church on Chicago’s Southside. The church also has an affiliated parochial school and is over 100 years old. I was invited to the dedication and ribbon cutting ceremony because the Junior League sponsored the renovation of the library at parochial school. Seeing the appreciation on the parishioner’s faces made me so proud to be a member of the League. The experience as a whole was amazing.

First, the special service I attended to honor MLK was beautiful. It took place in the striking sanctuary of the church that was built in the 1940’s. The church was breathtaking and is exactly what a church should look like. The program was just as perfect and it featured everything from speeches about the importance of the holiday to traditional hymns. The children’s choir even sang Michael Jackson’s “Man in the Mirror.” 

After the program, the library was opened to public. The Junior League of Chicago donated about 1,500 books to the newly redesigned library. The library also features new carpeting as well as a fresh coat of paint. It’s small but lovely. To me, it was a perfect way to spend as Sunday afternoon.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Workin' for the Weekend

There are two things that I am impassioned about- clothes and my job. First, I feel so lucky to have a job that I love and enjoy going to. I feel good about what I do and I feel so privileged to be so privy to the human experience. With this said, I sometimes have a hectic work schedule and often times, I work on the weekends which usually includes wonderful special events or training volunteers. Other times, I just go into the office to get some work done in the peace and quiet to get ahead for Monday.

Now, this is where my zeal for clothes comes in. Truthfully, if I had my way I would stroll into work wearing leggings, a University of Florida sweatshirt, and running shoes. Hell, I would wear my pajamas if it were socially acceptable but its not. Though comfort is key for me when working long days and sometimes weekends. My goal when getting dressed in the mornings is to look both stylish and professional.  On the weekends, the target in mind is the same.

What to do though? Do you go for comfort or style during weekends in the office? I go for both. I strive to create outfits that I wouldn’t be embarrassed to run into upper management in. Trust me, no one wants to see their boss while wearing their ratty housecoat. I also try to style myself in a way that works for meeting friends for brunch post-work.

This topic has been on my mind for a few weeks after someone asked me about what to wear to an off-site weekend meeting. My advice? “Whatever you do, don’t wear a tracksuit.” With this said, I have included some great sample outfits below for weekend work. I have modeled them after some tried and true staples that I keep in the rotation for those extra busy weeks. Happy styling!

Dressed for Success

Saturday at the Office

Sunday, January 8, 2012

The Year of Fun

About two months ago, I woke up with a horrible earache on a rainy Monday morning. As a chronic earache suffer and lifelong hypochondriac, I quickly hightailed it to my doctor’s office in the Loop. Hours later with my prescriptions and stolen waiting room Goldfish in hand, I began my journey back to my house. Much to my delight, the express bus was empty on this particular afternoon with the exception of two adorable elderly women.

Now, I will tell you this- if I had succumb to my usual habits and taken a cab home that very afternoon I would have missed one of the best conversations I had ever eavesdropped on. Yes, I openly admit to eavesdropping and yes, in this situation I had only one working ear. Nevertheless, this conversation was wonderful. Both these women were on their way home from volunteering at their respective organizations. One was coming from giving tours as a docent at the Art Institute of Chicago while the other lady was en route from volunteering with The Chicago Lighthouse. As a lover of philanthropy, I found this discussion absolutely exciting. Eventually, they transitioned into a conversation about “fun.” Yes, fun. These two women spent the whole entire 20-minute bus ride listing and chatting about what they like to do for fun. What struck me about this conversation was all of their ideas of fun were so simple. There was nothing extravagant. They talked about things like museums and going out for coffee with an old friend (no pun intended!)

Since that day, I have thought a great deal about having fun and enjoying the simple things. So in addition to my usual list of New Year’s Goals, I have made a list of fun things that I resolve to do in 2012. In addition to my daily vows to give up French fries and martinis and train for the marathon, I plan on doing the following in the year of 2012:
Send people cards for their birthday. To me, there is no greater thrill than getting a piece of mail that is not a bill or a coupon for an oil change. It’s a nice touch in world where we now send birthday wishes to someone’s wall.
Read more books instead of magazines. Magazines are junk food for the mind unless you’re reading the New Yorker or the Economist. If that’s the case, well, keep on keepin’ on.
Find a volunteering gig that I find personally rewarding and fun. There is nothing more satisfying that making someone’s life better.
Take more walks. Plain and simple. 
Have people over for board game night. Do you know who loves board games? My competitive family. Some of my happiest memories of my childhood are with my parents or my childhood best friend sitting around playing games. This activity should not be reserved for kids alone. Invite your pals over for board games and booze. Appetizers would also be a nice touch.
Make new friends. I don’t think that anyone can ever have too many friends.
Take advantage of cultural opportunities in the city. Most weekends, I spend my days eating brunch and doing errands. But there is no time like the present go to more museums or do things like ice skate in the park.
Develop a new hobby. 2012 may be the year that I finally learn to knit.
Try new recipes. One cannot live on low-fat enchiladas and grilled chicken alone. Homemade lasagna and Crème Brule, here we come
Improve my collection of aprons. I know this is kind of silly but I think everyone should collect something. It always gives you a souvenir to look for while on vacation and makes shopping for presents much easier. As a reminder my birthday is January 28th

I believe that this is a great way to look at the coming year and my hope is that you resolve to do fun things too. I feel that keeping this type of goal for the next year is much more enticing than saying you will begin to clip coupons or save Darfur. So start small- sometimes the most fun things are the most simple.

And to my friends on the bus- I hope we cross paths again on another rainy day.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

"One is the Loneliest Number"

Right now as we speak, I am sitting pretty on my couch watching television and eating cookies. But how does this evening differ from all other nights? Well, tonight is the Iowa Caucus.

Here are some fast facts about the Caucus: There are 1,774 precincts in the 99 counties that make up Iowa. There are also approximately 307 days until the 2012 Presidential Election.

But the number we should focus on is the number one. One is the number of women who are running for President of United States in the 2012 Election. Whether you love her or hate her, it is important to face the fact that only ONE woman is running for the highest office in the land. And to me, that is absolutely unacceptable.

Did you know that there are only 17 women who currently serve in the United States Senate? Or there are mere 73 women that serve in the House of Representatives? Again, this is completely unacceptable. As a young, ambitious and politically driven woman, I am overwhelmed with disappointment by how few women are serving in public office or actively pursuing it. In my eyes, women belong in not only the kitchen, but also the House and the Senate.

I have had the privilege to have met and formed relationships with so many intelligent, determined and wonderful women in my short lifetime. With this said, I can assure you that the talent is out there and it begins with us. It begins with you and me, our sisters, our friends, our acquaintances, or even the woman who will be sitting next to you on the express bus tomorrow morning.

So, I charge you to add something else to your list of New Year’s resolutions. Right under lose weight and do laundry regularly, write down, “Become informed about politics and support female candidates.”  A great way to begin this endeavor is to commit to reading at least one article about politics a week. For every one article you read about a celebrity, promise to me that you will read about another type of power woman. Also, it’s ok to start small. Read about the ladies who are running to become your local alderwoman or state representative. Everyone has to start somewhere.

Whether you plan on wearing a navy dress or a dashing red pashmina on November 6th, remember the choice is yours and yours alone. But the best choice is an educated choice. 

Sunday, January 1, 2012

The Beginning of the Ambitious Hostess

Just over a year ago, I moved to Chicago to begin what can only be described as an exciting adventure. When I initially relocated to the Windy City, my father suggested I create a blog documenting the tales of my new life as a young, single woman in the city. Since I had no intentions of picking up where Carrie Bradshaw left off, I racked my brain for topics that I could write about. Dating? Philanthropy? Politics? None of these ideas just quite fit. Then it came to me. I would write the blog that I had always wanted to read.

I have always wished-for a blog that would combine two of my favorite topics- professional etiquette and lifestyle information for young women. Of the blogs I currently read, some simply focus on business smarts while others cater only to entertaining and social topics. I don’t think that professional savvy and social graces should be mutually exclusive. With this in mind, the Ambitious Hostess was born.

I envision that the Ambitious Hostess will be the thinking woman’s society blog. I will combine posts about business etiquette along with information about entertaining for young, ambitious women. You can also look to me for recipes, book reviews, recommendations, and much more.

So I invited you to join me, the Ambitious Hostess, as I traverse the urban jungle and devote my life to both my cubicle and my kitchen.

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